Viewing Sketchfab VR scans with Gear VR

Quick video showing 4 different photogrammetry environment scans I have in Sketchfab. Lately they have improved their VR tools very much making these models easy to view in with the GearVR. On a PC at the sketchfab website go to Settings, 3D settings, VR tab, where you can visually set the scale to human size. Also here you place the starting point and direction of where you will be viewing in VR. Save that and move from your PC to your HMD, in this case GearVR. When in the Oculus home I run the app Samsung Internet, which is a typical browser. You will want to turn on webVR by putting this into the browser, internet://webvr-enable.

Browse to any 3D models on Sketchfab, in lower right hand corner will be controls which you gaze at and touch the GearVR button to activate. Turn the textures to be highest rez, then click the VR logo, which will send you into the model at the designated starting point. Then you can teleport around the model by gazing the concentric circles around, and clicking to fly there. This video is half recorded off my computer screen for the scale world part, and half recorded from my Samsung phone using the Oculus video record default app.

My collection of VR photogrammetry scans are here: