Maya and Mental Ray HDR Lighting tutorials
Somehow and someway my set of Maya and Mental Ray…
Jon Tojek has been doing Computer Graphics since 1990 at UW Madison. While going to University there for Electrical Engineering and working as a Novell sysadmin for the computer labs he always noticed the SGI Crimson with Power Animator in the Visualization lab at the end of the hallway. He convinced the dean of Nuclear Engineering that he could animate and render his tech ideas great with this machine and use the images to pitch project ideas. During college he made many walk thru videos and animations for fun, then after graduating in ECE immediately went to work in the commercial making business doing graphics at Cybertoons in Milwaukee, and dozens of places after that.
Somehow and someway my set of Maya and Mental Ray…
This is three short test renders showing the work we…
Here is a new HDR of the interior of a…